Procedure Prep Instructions
Abdominal Ultrasounds:
Nothing by mouth after Midnight the night prior to the appointment.
BMD instructions:
Please remember to keep in mind of the following:
Please wear pants free of zippers/buttons ( pull-on pants works best)
Bra's with under-wire are OK
Please wear under- garments to your appointment
Please DO NOT wear embellishments on your pants or shirts
Please DO NOT wear skirts or dresses to your DEXA Scan appointment
Myocardial Perfusion Stress Test Instructions:
Your doctor has scheduled a Myocardial Perfusion Stress Test for you. Please expect to be in our office for 2 hours. We will start by putting an IV in.
You will be given a special radioactive tracer that allows pictures of your heart to be taken. The Study is done in three parts.
1. A set of Pictures of your heart at rest will be taken.
2. Immediately after that you will exercise on a treadmill; if you cannot exercise, a chemical stress test will be performed instead.
3. Exercise Pictures will be taken after.
To prepare for this exam:
Please drink plenty of water the day before and morning of the test. This will help with the IV.
Please DO NOT eat or drink anything else other than water after midnight the night before your exam
If your appointment is made for after 12 noon, please have a light breakfast (Toast or Bagel with Jelly and Juice) or early lunch 4 hours before your appointment. You may have water.
For 24 hours prior to exam, please DO NOT eat or drink anything with caffeine, including coffee, tea, soda, or chocolate. Do Not eat or drink anything that says “decaffeinated” or “caffeine free”.
Be sure to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing (button down shirt) and comfortable shoes, as you may exercise on a treadmill.
Please bring a list of all the medications you take, with time and dosage.
Bring a snack and something to drink (something with caffeine) for after the stress test part of your study.
If cancellation is necessary, the patient must give at least 24 hour notice or patient will be personally billed $ 250.00 to cover the cost of the medicine, which is good only for that day.
If you take any medications, talk to your doctor before your appointment about whether you should take them the night before, or the day of the stress test.
Feel free to bring something to read, since you should expect to be here for 2 hours minimum.